Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A heavy heart

Zeke with his Uncle Scottie and Aunt Becky in Taiwan last February.
Giving Kisses

We suddenly and unexpectedly lost Uncle Scottie on Saturday morning. Please be in prayer for Danny's youngest sister Becky as she grieves over the loss of her husband. The funeral will be this Friday in Dickinson. We miss you Uncle Scottie and our hearts are very heavy, but know you are rejoicing with Jesus.


Joy said...

Oh Mandi, I am so sorry for your loss. I will be praying for you and your family as you walk through this difficult time.

The Eberlys said...

May God wrap His arms around your family during this difficult time and provide peace that passes understanding. We are praying.

Kari, RN said...

This is such tough news. I left a message on Danny's phone on Sunday to pass on my condolences to everyone, and have been thinking about and praying for you guys since I heard. Please give Becky a big hug from me.

Brooke said...

My heart goes out to your family. I pray that you would sense God's peace and understanding. I'm so sorry for your loss.

doug&margarethe said...

My sympathies to you all as you grieve. It's wonderful we have a great God who gives comfort and strength. Remember even Jesus wept when his friend Lazaurus died-He knows and cares! This morning I have been praying much for Becky. Will keep praying for you all.